Alpes Goodness Neem Purifying Face Scrub Review When it comes to skin purifying ingredients most of us think of neem in the first place right! Be it adult acne or teenage acne Indian summer makes it harder to deal with. Even the ones with normal to dry skin can get one or two acne or boil for the heat and sweat. Using something that’s purifying without being harsh on the skin can stop your skin from breaking out. Hi my lovely ladies. I have recently started shopping from to try purplle exclusive brands. Alps Goodness is one such brand. This particular product caught my eye because of the ingredient neem. It’s a neem scrub which is something I haven’t tried before. So without any further introduction let’s get into the review. About The Brand What comes to your mind when you imagine the might Alps? Beauty? Serenity? Holiday? Lush skinned, Wavy Haired Swiss divas? “Mit der Guete der Alpen infundiert!” Infused with the goodness of th...