Which One Should You Use : Natural Vs Store Bought Aloe Vera Aloe Vera the wonder plant, has lots of health & beauty benefits. Aloe vera gel is non-comedogenic and hydrating, it can be used by all skin types. It can be used as a hydrating moisturizer for oily acne prone skin too. When used regularly aloe gel fights acne, pimples, black heads, excess sebum production, blemishes to some extent. It can be added into any homemade face and hair mask. Aloe vera gel makes hair soft, promotes hair growth, restores lustre, fights dandruff too. Indian market is flooded with aloe vera gels from different brands and why not, it is an all rounder product but there are some pros and cons of store bought aloe vera gels because they are not only filled with harmful chemical preservatives but also artificial colors, fragrances which can do more harm than any good thing to your skin and hair. Natural aloe vera gel on the other hand is quite messy and hectic to use for day to day use, n...