Tricks To Treat Hyperpigmentation/Skin Discoloration Naturally Natural home remedies to treat hyperpigmentation, any kind of skin discoloration and melasma. Use it to treat dark spots or patches on face, dark elbows, knees etc. Hi there! Do you have dark patches on your face or body? Your skin never looks even toned, there’s always some dark patch. Sounds familiar? Well, you are suffering from hyper pigmentation. Hyper pigmentation is nothing but the medical term used to describe the dark patches of skin. There are several reasons that can cause hyper pigmentation or skin discoloration on face and body. These include your overall health condition, certain medications, eating habits, life style etc. The good part about this is that it can be treated very easily at home. All you have to do is to be patient and consistent with the process as hyper pigmentation is stubborn and comes back really easily if left untreated. Now, there are many ways to treat hyper pigmentation at home....